“Work in Progress” series, 2022*
*also appeared in The Art of Autism.
I am working on this series that shows the many differences between people and the environment. I use different shapes to represent these differences. The different sizes and colors of these shapes also show the tug and pull of the world on individuals and how they respond to these situations they find themselves in. In fact, even the world where man finds himself in is different wherever you are and however you see it.
The first in the series shows a couple, different from each other traveling together
towards a bright horizon. But, although together, the different shapes they are painted
with shows they negotiate the path differently.

And along the way, in the second image “Work in Progress #2”, they meet up with another individual, and while they hold hands and walk together, they do so in their own way – they listen to the music within themselves and respond to it the best way they can.

Until…in the third image “Work in Progress #3” somehow the world they negotiate finds
some meaning and order. But, again, the order is based on how they see the world and
respond to it. But the bright colors show that there is hope and peace despite the differences within and between people and the world.

As an autistic artist, I show the viewer that we all live in the same world but I may see it
differently and respond according to how I see and understand it. But we are all this
same world traveling towards that same bright horizon we seek for ourselves.