People’s Choice Award for The Forest Again
“The Forest Again” won the People’s Choice Award 2011 in “Generation 1 Exhibition” held at the University of British Columbia during Asian Cultural Month (May).
“The Forest Again” won the People’s Choice Award 2011 in “Generation 1 Exhibition” held at the University of British Columbia during Asian Cultural Month (May).
In 2012, J.A. participated in The Sketchbook Project. Well, this year, his #sketchbook will be at the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn, NY. +The Sketchbook Project is the world’s largest collection of artists’ sketchbooks. The entire library, of close to 30,000 original works, has been built one book at a time, by people of all ages…
*also appeared in The Art of Autism. I am working on this series that shows the many differences between people and the environment. I use different shapes to represent these differences. The different sizes and colors of these shapes also show the tug and pull of the world on individuals and how they respond to…
J.A. is the featured artist in an ongoing exhibit at the Monarch House Autism Center in Burnaby, B.C. His works will be replaced every 8 weeks or every time there is a sale. Currently, there are 22 paintings on exhibit.
J. A. cuts and pastes and glances at the kids, who are watching him. He gives them minimal instructions on how to create a collage and lets them go with the flow. He cuts, he pastes. They cut, they paste. He is a patient teacher. The kids are his nephews, ages 11 and 7, who’ve…
J.A. Tan participated in the 3rd Annual Generation One Exhibition from May 5-16, 2012 at the International Art Gallery, 2/F International Village Mall, Vancouver, BC. The works featured in the show are by Asian-Canadian artists Here is a link to J.A. Tan’s painting as shown at the gallery.