
J.A. Tan Featured in Autism File Magazine, October-November 2015 issue

The Art of J.A. Tan is featured in the October-November 2015 issue of The Autism File, a bi-monthly magazine dealing with all aspects of autism. The article was written by Debra Muzikar, author of the book, “The Art of Autism: Shifting Perceptions.” Click here to read the magazine.

Excerpt: “Using art to show how his mind works, J.A. writes, “Coping with everyday life as an artist challenged with autism, I create art to make a difference in the world as I present the viewer a picture of how someone like me things, feels and interacts. I paint my reality as I see and know it. I paint because I need to, so I paint whatever comes into my head and heart without consideration of anything else.” – Mind’s Eye, Art Across the Spectrum by Debra Muzikar, Autism File Magazine, October-November 2015

Autism File Magazine

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