
Artist J.A. Tan Gives Keynote at International Association of Special Education Conference

J.A. Tan gave the keynote address at the opening of the 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Special Education, held at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, B.C. on July 8th, 2013.

J.A. Tan | IASE Conference | Vancouver

Below are excerpts from J.A.’s 25 minute speech,”A Part of…not Apart.” for which he received a standing ovation.

At the end of his speech, J.A. stood by the door to greet the educators in attendance, including one of his own former professors at Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD), John Wertschek, who was able to come and listen to J.A.’s story of how ECUAD transformed his life.

J.A. Tan | IASE | Special Education

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